General Dentistry

Smiles made easy

General dentistry helps maintain your oral health by preventing, diagnosing and treating many common dental problems.

At Dent8 Dental we offer the full range of general dentistry services for adults and children, emphasising holistic care that eases any anxiety and protects your overall health.

Our General Dentistry Services

Dental check-ups and X-rays

A regular dental check-up helps to keep your mouth healthy and provides an opportunity to identify and treat any emerging problems before they become more serious.

What to expect during a dental check-up

A dental check-up will usually involve your dentist:

Asking you if you have any areas of pain or discomfort
Reviewing your general health and medical history and asking if anything’s changed since your last visit
Conducting a thorough examination of your mouth, teeth and gums
Taking X-rays of your teeth if necessary
Following up on any dental issues identified at your last visit (if relevant)
Checking your head, neck and mouth for any signs of oral cancer
Providing advice on healthy eating and drinking
Advising you on how to brush and floss properly
Discussing how cigarettes or alcohol may be affecting your teeth (if relevant to you).

Reducing dental anxiety

At Dent8 Dental, we also seek to relieve any anxiety you may feel about visiting the dentist. That includes:

Recognising that dental anxiety is real and affects 1 in 6 Australians
Making our practice as inviting and comfortable as we can
Helping you identify what it is that makes you anxious (such as smells, sounds or injections) and changing the way we manage that for you
Providing you with a sense of control through regular breaks and hand signals that tell us to stop.

How often should I have a dental check-up?

At least every 12 months but preferably every 6 months.

Many health funds will cover a dental check-up every 6 months so make the most of your health cover!

Dr Allanah Freer and patient

Dental health and hygiene

Each day, a sticky film of bacteria, food particles and saliva builds up on your teeth. This is dental plaque. It can make your teeth feel fuzzy. If it’s not regularly removed, it may harden and turn into tartar.

Tartar isn’t good for your smile. It can cause:

Red, swollen or bleeding gums (gingivitis)
A hard, crusty coating on your teeth
Bad breath
Yellow, brown or black stains on your teeth.

You can’t remove tartar by brushing and flossing. You need to see a dentist or dental hygienist for a professional scale and clean. This also provides a chance to continue learning how to brush and floss your teeth well in between appointments.

You’ll walk out with fresher breath, cleaner teeth and a smile on your face!

Dental fillings

You may need a dental filling if your tooth:

Develops a cavity (hole) due to decay – this can hopefully be picked up early during your regular check-up
Has been cracked or damaged
Has an old filling that is breaking down.

Young children may need fillings due to injury or dental decay. Yes, their baby teeth will eventually fall out anyway but a filling can help to relieve pain and prevent an abscess forming, which could result in needing the tooth removed. 

At Dent8 Dental, we’re committed to using the best dental materials available to protect both your teeth and your overall health. In keeping with our commitment to holistic dentistry, we use:

Latex-free gloves, dental dams and polishing cups.
Bio-compatible filling materials, including BPA-free resins from Germany.
Fluoride-free dental polishing materials

We also remove old amalgam fillings (silver and mercury) using the SMART protocol to reduce the risk of releasing mercury vapour.

Dental fillings

Sensitivity after a dental filling

For a little while after a filling, your tooth may feel sensitive to temperature changes or when you bite down on it. This usually goes away after a few days. If the sensitivity continues for more than 1-2 weeks, please contact your dentist.

How long does a dental filling last?

Unfortunately, not forever.

Things that can shorten the lifespan of a filling include

Bruxism (clenching, grinding)
Poor oral hygiene
High sugar/acidic foods and drinks
Gastric reflux
Accidents such as biting on an olive pit
Fingernail biting, chewing ice

Over time, the join between the tooth and the filling can break down, allowing food and bacteria to collect in the space, which may cause tooth decay.

During your regular check-up, your dentist will check your fillings and advise you on any that may need to be replaced.

Root canal procedures

root canals

A root canal treats the soft substance (pulp) in the centre of an inflamed, infected or dead tooth. 

Bacteria from decaying or cracked teeth or leaking fillings can invade the tooth and reach the pulp, making it swell, throb and eventually die. The dead pulp forms pus or gas that can’t escape through the tooth so travels elsewhere through your soft tissues. Infection can cause sepsis and can spread to your heart, brain or kidneys. It’s serious. 

A root canal treatment helps to ease pain and protect your health. If you’re concerned about health risks, please discuss these with our dentists. If you are concerned about the expense of a root canal, please explore our dental payment plans.

dental consultation

Tooth extraction

Your dentist may recommend removing a tooth if you have:

Overcrowding (too many teeth in a small space)
Severe gum disease
Extensive tooth decay
A broken tooth
Wisdom teeth problems.

Tooth extraction is usually done under local anaesthetic so you don’t feel pain. At Dent8 Dental, we can use an STA wand so we can deliver anaesthetic slowly and precisely, which saves you the discomfort and anxiety of the usual long syringe. 

You’ll be numb for a little while after a dental extraction. Be careful not to bite your tongue, lips or cheek (best to eat soft foods and chew on the other side of your mouth) or to burn yourself (avoid hot drinks until your sensation returns). 

Your dentist will give you more detailed advice on how to care for yourself after a tooth extraction. 

After an extraction, if you wish to replace the tooth, we have options such as dental implant, Valplast dentures and crown and bridge work.

Wisdom tooth extraction

Your wisdom teeth sit right at the back of your mouth. They usually appear in your late teens or early 20s.

Wisdom teeth don’t always come through properly and may need to be removed if they are:

Difficult to clean properly
Triggering repeated or serious gum infections
Contributing to overcrowding
Growing too long and damaging your mouth.

Because of their size and location, wisdom teeth can sometimes be tricky to remove. At Dent8 Dental, we try to make the procedure as easy and comfortable for you as possible, ensuring you know what to expect and feel in control at each stage. For complex cases requiring general anaesthetic, we refer to maxillofacial surgeons.

Recovery after a wisdom tooth extraction can take up to a week. We’ll talk to you about how long you may need off work and answer any other questions you may have about your recovery.

Essential factors when choosing a local family dentist

Meet our dentists

Our amazing general dentists can support your whole family’s oral health. Led by Dr Alannah Freer, our general dentists are experienced, skilled and empathetic.